Description/definition of topic (citing two sources) 

A step-by-step guide to using social media is crucial for teenagers, adults, and seniors to effectively and safely navigate and understand the online environment. The goal of our guide is to teach learners ages 13 and older how to use Instagram and engage with its privacy settings. Our guide covers three main topics: account creation, exploration of privacy settings, and ensuring users understand potential privacy risks. Research studies have shown that a lack of understanding of privacy settings decreases user engagement (Jozani et al., 2020). It’s important that users have an understanding of how to utilize social media platforms to ensure they are fully in control of their online presence and recognize the potential dangers that come with being an active user (Pearse, 2021). Each topic has an activity to go with it to ensure learners are actively engaging with Instagram and understanding the implications of having an account. In our assessment plan, we have included quizzes, a report, and a final journal to assess their comprehension of how to use Instagram. As the world’s population ages and the elderly age group becomes larger, it’s important for them to maintain social connections. According to Coto et al. (2017), through an understanding of how to use Instagram, the older population can keep up to date with friends and family members online regardless of where they are in the world. It can promote quality of life, reduce isolation, and contribute to psychological well-being.

References: (APA 7th) 

Coto, M., Lizano, F., Mora, S., & Fuentes, J. (2017). Social Media and Elderly People: Research Trends. In Lecture notes in computer science (pp. 65–81).

Pearse, J. (2021, April 8). The importance of social media literacy. New Digital Age.

Jozani, M., Ayaburi, E., Ko, M., & Choo, K. R. (2020). Privacy concerns and benefits of engagement with social media-enabled apps: A privacy calculus perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 106260.

Description of Learning Context & Learners: 

The learning context in our step-by-step guide focuses on digital literacy understanding, with a focus on social media platforms, specifically Instagram. The goal of the guide is to help individuals learn how to navigate and utilize Instagram safely and effectively. The course is designed to address the needs of a diverse group, from teenagers to seniors, who want to learn how to use Instagram but may not understand the potential risks that come along with being an Instagram user. 

Learning needs: 

  • Understand how to navigate Instagram features. 
  • Learn about privacy settings. 
  • Recognize potential privacy risks. 
  • Develop skills to control personal information. 

Learning goals: 

  • Help learners manage and use an Instagram account. 
  • Educate on the importance of privacy settings and potential privacy risks. 
  • Guide learners to use Instagram safely and maintain control over their own personal information.

Learners participating in the step-by-step guide are 13 years of age or older; this includes teenagers, adults, and seniors. 

  • Teenagers and young adults ages 13–30 are often technologically advanced compared to the older generation, but they often need guidance on the importance of privacy settings and their digital footprint. This guide will help this age group understand privacy settings and the risks of oversharing personal information online. As well as provide awareness about potential data breaches.
  • Adults ages 31–60 have varying levels of understanding and familiarity with social media. Some will be avid users, and others have never touched social media. This age range will benefit from a structured guide with clear steps for engaging with social media while also maintaining their privacy. Adults in this age range may be more concerned about privacy and keeping their professional lives separate from their personal ones online. 
  • Seniors ages 60+  tend to be less familiar with social media platforms and their features than the younger generations. They often use social media platforms to stay in contact with friends and family around the world. They may have concerns about privacy, fear of scams and misinformation. This age group will benefit from clear and simple steps with visual aids and hands-on practice. 

Overview of step-by-step guide to Create an Instagram Account: 

Our Step-by-step guide takes users through a series of learning activities. Each learning activity teaches learners how to use and interact safely within Instagram through demonstrations, visuals, and audios. The following describes what learners will be able to understand and demonstrate as they go through each step. 

Learning Activity 1 takes learners through the steps of creating an instagram account and exploring its fundamental features. In this section of the guide users will learn how to: 

  • Download instagram 
  • Sign up for an account 
  • Set up a profile 
  • Use public or private account
  • Explore their feed 
  • Explore their own account 
  • Post content 
  • Engage with other users through follows, likes, shares, comments, and direct messages. 

Learning Activity 2 learners are taken through the steps of exploring privacy settings. In this section of the guide users with learn how to:  

  • Access & adjust privacy settings 
  • Control who can view your posts 
  • Control who can view your stories 
  • Control who can comment on your posts.

Learning Activity 3 teaches users how different privacy settings ( public vs private account) affect how users interact with instagram. In this section learners will learn how to : 

  • Create a second private Instagram account 
  • Post content on private account 
  • Post content on public account 

Learning Activities

Activity 1: Account Creation and Basic Navigation on Instagram

Participants will learn how to create a personal Instagram account, explore its fundamental features, and engage with content.


  • Document each step of the assignment using either video or image format, covering: Creating an Instagram Account, Exploring Instagram’s Core Features (Profile, Feed, Reels, Stories), Posting Content (Feed, Reels, Story), and Engaging with Other Users (Follow, Like, Comment, Share, Direct Messages).  
  • Record clear, concise videos or capture screenshots or photos. Save and organize your multimedia content, then combine it into a single file, such as a video presentation or a PDF with embedded content. Email the compiled file to the instructor.  
  • Note: For learners, who choose to create a private account, they can share, like, comment posts and send DMs to the official account of our teaching team.

Step 1: Creating Your Instagram Account

Download the Instagram App:

  • iPhone Users: Download the Instagram app from the App Store.

Step-by-step guide to download the app:

  • Android Users: Download the Instagram app from the Google Play Store.

Step-by-step guide to download the app:

Sign Up:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap “Sign Up.”
  2. You can sign up using your email address, phone number, or by linking your Facebook account.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your username and password. Choose a username that reflects your identity, as this will be publicly visible.

Step-by-step guide to create a personal account:

Set Up Your Profile:

  1. Add a profile picture by tapping on the circle where your profile image will go.
  2. Complete the “Bio” section with a brief description of yourself or your interests.

Step-by-step guide to create a personal account: (starting from 01:45) 

Privacy Settings (Optional But Important):

  • We understand and respect some learners are uncomfortable sharing their information in public.In order to complete the learning activity successfully, they can always choose to keep the account private, so that only approved followers can see the posts:
  1. Go to the profile by tapping on your profile picture or the icon at the bottom right.
  2. Tap the three lines at the top right, then select “Settings.”
  3. Navigate to “Privacy” and toggle on the “Private Account” option.
  4. Confirm your choice when prompted.


(Note: the chosen video is informative for the instruction, though the instructor speaks a bit quickly. Students might find it helpful to adjust the playback speed to better suit their learning pace)

Step 2: Exploring Instagram’s Core Features


  • Tap on your profile picture or the icon at the bottom right corner to access your profile.
  • From here, you can view your posts, followers, and accounts you’re following.

Three different types of posts

            Introduction video:

(Note: The instructor introduces five different types of Instagram posts. Learners in this course are only expected to learn about “Feed” “Reels” and “Stories”)

1.     Explore Feed:

·       Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen to discover new content.

·       Instagram will recommend posts and accounts based on your interests.

      2.     Reels:

·       Reels are short, engaging videos on Instagram that allow users to create and share creative content. 

·       To view Reels, tap the clapperboard icon (looks like a play button) at the bottom of the screen. 

·       You can scroll through Reels by swiping up, similar to how you would on TikTok.

3.     Stories

·       At the top of your home screen, you’ll see circles with profile pictures representing “Stories.” These are temporary posts that disappear after 24 hours.

·       Tap on any circle to view a story.

Step 3: Posting Your First Photo

Post on Your Feed:

  1. Tap the “+” button at the bottom center of your screen.
  2. Choose a photo from your gallery or take a new one using your camera.
  3. Add a caption and relevant hashtags (e.g., #nature, #travel) to increase the visibility of your post.
  4. Tap “Share” to publish your post on your feed.

Step by step guide to create a feed on Instagram:

Post on Your Reels:

1.     Tap the “+” button at the bottom center of your screen. 

2.     Select “Reel” from the options at the bottom. 

3.     Record a new video by holding the record button or upload a video from your gallery.

4.     Use the editing tools to add music, effects, or text to your Reel. 

5.     Add a caption, hashtags, and choose a cover image for your Reel. 

6.     Tap “Share” to publish your Reel on your profile and the Reels section.

Step by step guide to create a reel on Instagram:

Post on Your Story:

  1. Tap your profile picture or the “+” button on your profile picture at the top left of your screen.
  2. Select a photo or video, and use the tools available to add text, stickers, or drawings.
  3. Tap “Your Story” to share it with your followers.

Step by step guide to create a story on Instagram:

Step 4: Engaging with Other Users

Follow Accounts:

  • Use the search feature (magnifying glass icon) to find friends, public figures, or content of interest.
  • Tap “Follow” to start seeing their posts in your feed.

Step-by-step guide to follow accounts on Instagram:

Like, Comment, and Share:

  • Like: Interact with content by double-tapping posts to “Like” them or tap the heart icon.
    • For privacy concerns, some learners may prefer to hide their liked photos, ensuring that other users cannot view them. If you want to hide liked photos, please see this video for detailed instruction:

·       Comment: 

o   To leave a comment on a post, tap the speech bubble icon below the post. 

o   Type your comment in the text box that appears, then tap “Post” to share your thoughts. 

Step-by-step to comment on Instagram posts:

·       Share: 

o   To share a post with someone via Direct Message or to add it to your Story, Feed, and Reels, tap the paper airplane icon under the post. 

Step-by-step guide to share posts on Instagram:

(The video also contains reposting features in IGTV, learners in this course are not required to use).

Direct Messages:

  • Tap the paper airplane icon at the top right of your screen to access Direct Messages (DMs).
  • Here, you can send private messages to other users.

Step-by-step guide to how to DM on Instagram:

Activity 2: Exploring Privacy Settings 


Learners will navigate and understand Instagram’s privacy settings.


In Learning Activity 1, some learners might already be familiar with Instagram’s privacy settings. In this activity, we invite these learners to further explore and customize these settings to enhance their understanding of privacy controls. For learners who have already created public accounts, this activity provides an opportunity to review how different privacy settings can affect their account’s visibility and security. 

Step 1:

  1. Access and Adjust Privacy Settings:

·       Privacy on Instagram involves more than just setting your account to private; it also includes carefully managing who can view your posts, comment on them, and send you direct messages. By adjusting settings for content visibility, interaction controls, and tagged content, you ensure that your personal information is protected and that you have control over your social interactions, creating a more secure and tailored Instagram experience.

Let’s begin:

  • Open the Instagram app and go to your profile by tapping your profile picture or the icon at the bottom right.
  • Tap the three lines (menu) at the top right corner, then select “Settings”.
  • Navigate to “Privacy”.
  • Learners should be able to see a list of interaction features in “Privacy”.

Step-by-step instruction to see the privacy setting on Instagram:

Step 2. Analyze and Document:

  1.  Create a brief report documenting the privacy settings that most interest you, but please be sure to include the following three sections:
  • Comments:
    • This setting allows you to manage who can comment on your posts. You can choose to allow comments from everyone, people you follow, or only your followers. You can also block specific users from commenting.
    • Controlling who can comment helps manage unwanted interactions and protect your account from harassment or spam. Adjusting these settings enhances your control over the content and nature of comments on your posts.
  • Posts:
    • This setting controls who can view your posts. By setting your account to private, you ensure that only approved followers can see your posts. You can also customize individual post visibility by using features like “Close Friends” for stories.
    • Restricting post visibility limits access to your content and protects your personal information from being viewed by unauthorized individuals. This setting is crucial for maintaining privacy and ensuring that your content is only accessible to those you trust.
  • Stories:
    • This setting allows you to control who can view your Instagram stories. You can hide stories from specific users, share them only with close friends, or allow them to be reshared by others.
    • Customizing story visibility ensures that sensitive or personal content is not shared with unintended audiences. It allows you to maintain a level of privacy while still engaging with your followers.
  1.  Reflect on how these settings influence your overall privacy on Instagram and whether you feel more secure with the adjustments made.
  1.   You can either write a 300-400 word report, create a video, or produce an art piece (drawing, filming, dancing, etc.) about your reflection.

Activity 3: Privacy Impact Simulation

Activity 3: Privacy Impact Simulation

Learners will understand how different privacy settings affect user experience and personal data visibility by comparing interactions and visibility on public versus private Instagram accounts.


The learner will create a second account that is made private. The learner will then post content on both their public and private accounts and document the differences in visibility and interactions, reflecting on how privacy settings will impact follower interactions and personal data exposure.

Step 1: Set Up Accounts

  • Create a Second Instagram Account: Register a new Instagram account and set it to private. Ensure that this account is separate from your primary account.
  • Verify Account Privacy Settings: Double-check that all privacy settings on this new account are correctly configured to be private.

See from Learning Activity 1:

Privacy Settings:

  • We understand and respect some learners are uncomfortable sharing their information in public.In order to complete the learning activity successfully, they can always choose to keep the account private, so that only approved followers can see the posts:
  1. Go to the profile by tapping on your profile picture or the icon at the bottom right.
  2. Tap the three lines at the top right, then select “Settings.”
  3. Navigate to “Privacy” and toggle on the “Private Account” option.
  4. Confirm your choice when prompted.


(Note: the chosen video is informative for the instruction, though the instructor speaks a bit quickly. Students might find it helpful to adjust the playback speed to better suit their learning pace)

Step 2: Post Content

  • Public Account Posting:
    • Use your primary (public) Instagram account to post a variety of content (e.g., photos, videos, stories).
    • Document the content posted and note how it is visible to others (e.g., whether it appears in public feeds or can be reshared).
  • Private Account Posting:
    • Use your private Instagram account to post similar content (e.g., photos, videos, stories).
    • Document the content posted and note the privacy settings applied, such as restrictions on who can view, comment, or share the content.

Step 3: Observe and Document

  • Visibility and Interactions:
    • Observe and document the differences in visibility and interactions between the public and private accounts. Note who can see and engage with your content on each account.
    • Pay attention to the types of interactions (e.g., likes, comments, direct messages) and how they differ based on the account’s privacy settings.
  • Impact Analysis:
    • Analyze how the privacy settings on the private account affect your interactions and visibility compared to the public account.
    • Document any changes in follower behavior, content engagement, and exposure of personal data between the two accounts.

Step 4: Reflection

  • Reflective Report:
  • Write a 300–400 word report summarizing your findings. 
  • Or present your findings in a creative format such as a video, infographic, or artistic representation (e.g., drawing, animation, dancing) to visually communicate the impact of privacy settings.

A list of resources that learners will need to access: 

The textbook prepare learners for the Final Reflection Journal


Lule, J. (2012). Understanding Media and Culture. (2016). University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.  


Poepsel, M. (2018). Media, Society, Culture and You. Rebus Community. 


Learners are required to read two out of the five required sources. These can prepare them for the Privacy Impact Report and the Final Reflection Journal. 

Garcia, K. R., Quesnel, A., Li, N., & Chen, J. (2023). Investigating User Photo Privacy Settings on Instagram. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 2291–2292.

Han, K., Jung, H., Jang, J. Y., & Lee, D. (2018). Understanding Users’ Privacy Attitudes through Subjective and Objective Assessments: An Instagram Case Study. Computer, 51(6), 18–28.

Soumelidou, A., & Tsohou, A. (2020). Effects of privacy policy visualization on users’ information privacy awareness level: The case of Instagram. Information Technology & People, 33(2), 502–534.

Yasin, S., Altunisik, E., & Tak, A. Z. A. (2023). Digital Danger in Our Pockets: Effect of Smartphone Overuse on Mental Fatigue and Cognitive Flexibility. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 211(8), 621–626.

Zhao, D., Inaba, M., & Monroy-Hernández, A. (2022). Understanding Teenage Perceptions and Configurations of Privacy on Instagram. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), 1–28.


Fox, A. K., & Royne, M. B. (2018). Private Information in a Social World: Assessing Consumers’ Fear and Understanding of Social Media Privacy. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 26(1–2), 72–89. 

Smith, P. K., Thompson, F., & Davidson, J. (2014). Cyber safety for adolescent girls: bullying, harassment, sexting, pornography, and solicitation. Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 26(5), 360–365.

  • ‘grey literature’ (professional resources, blogs, videos, etc)

Optional but highly recommended

Orlowski, J. (Director). (2020). The Social Dilemma [Movie]. Netflix. 

Assessment Plan

Our assessment plan will be tailored for learners to understand and navigate the basic functions and features of Instagram, including their ability to identify and adjust Instagram’s privacy settings. The assessment will have three components:

  1. 2 Quizzes: Instagram Basics and Privacy Settings

The format for this assessment will include multiple-choice questions testing the learner on basic features and navigation such as stories, direct messaging, and posting for the first quiz. The second quiz will assess the learner on the privacy settings including the differences between a private versus public account, activity status, and story-sharing settings. 

Quiz 1: Instagram Basics

Quiz 2: Privacy Settings

  1. Privacy Impact Report

The content of the privacy impact report will include observations made on data visibility when adjusting privacy settings and the impact of privacy settings on user experience. You may also compare a public vs private account and reflect on the implications of different privacy settings. 

The report will include the completion of one of the 2 prompts. You may post the prompt on your blog and provide the link in the comment section of this post. 

Prompt 1: Public vs. Private Account Comparison

  • Compare and contrast your experience of maintaining a public account versus a private account. Describe your observations on how changing privacy settings affects the visibility of your data (posts, stories, and profile information). Discuss any pros and cons of each setting (private/public) in terms of follower interaction, content reach, and personal privacy. (If you would not like to make a public account, please just provide observations made from a private account.)

Prompt 2: Reflection on the Implications of Privacy Settings

  • How do Instagram’s privacy settings influence the way you share content and interact with others on the platform? Consider potential privacy risks and benefits, and provide suggestions on how users can effectively manage their privacy to enhance their experience on Instagram.
  1. Final Reflection Journal

A final journal entry will be created after completing the learning activities to document what was learned during the process. It will include descriptions of the changes you made in the privacy setting and how that affected your interactions with the app. 

Please answer one or more of the following reflection journal prompts after completing the learning activities. You may post the prompt on your blog and provide the link in the comment section of this post. 

  • Summarize your overall experience with the basic functions of Instagram. What did you find intuitive or challenging? How did engaging with the app help you understand its features better?
  • Summarize any changes you made to your privacy settings and how those changes affected your use of the app. What new insights did you gain about managing your privacy?
  • How did the learning activities influence your understanding of Instagram’s privacy features and your approach to using them in the future?

How we will provide feedback

The two quizzes consisting of multiple-choice questions will mark the learner’s answers and provide a mark at the end. The correct answers will be shown once the quiz is completed for the learners to reflect on their answers. For the privacy impact report, the learner will create a blog post answering one of the prompts. Our learning pod’s group members will comment on their post to provide some feedback. Similarly, the learner will create a post for the final journal entry answering the given prompts. These prompts should help learners document their experiences and reflections in a meaningful way, enhancing their understanding of Instagram’s features and privacy settings.


Integrated use of WordPress and Moodle to provide a holistic approach to content delivery and learning management. It makes using Instagram safe and effective. Each platform is chosen based on its unique strengths, ensuring learners enjoy a comprehensive, engaging and interactive learning experience.

WordPress works as a content management system. Delivery: WordPress will serve as the primary medium for disseminating educational content. The portal will include links to articles, video lessons and resources, ensuring learners have easy access to important information. options that enable clients to design visually appealing and well-organized course websites. This enhances the learning experience by presenting information in a concise and engaging way.

WordPress allows for the seamless integration of multiple media formats, including videos, images, and interactive content, to meet different learning preferences and maintain student engagement. and control of a range of course activities such as quizzes and assessments. It will improve information exchange among students and track and record student progress. Peer discussion and debate on best practices. This promotes a collaborative teaching environment. This ensures learners receive uninterrupted support throughout the course. Learning Management Integration By connecting WordPress with Moodle, we can take advantage of the respective strengths of each platform: WordPress will provide teaching materials in a comprehensive and user-friendly way, ensuring that they are attractive to users. Efficiency and Effectiveness: Provides tools for planning and monitoring interactive learning activities, assessments, and learner interactions.

WordPress: An Emerging Technology For Learning

This article explores eLearning on WordPress, and discusses the features that allow it to be used as a learning platform.

To ensure the success of our Instagram learning guide, we’ve outlined clear roles for our team. We will oversee the entire process, making sure everything stays on track and that communication remains effective. We will also craft engaging and informative lesson plans, incorporating essential research on privacy settings to emphasize their importance.

We will manage the technical side, setting up example accounts and creating detailed tutorials on Instagram’s features and privacy settings. In addition, we will design quizzes and other evaluations to measure learners’ understanding and engagement with the material.

We will focus on making the guide accessible and visually appealing, ensuring it’s easy for users of all ages to navigate. Finally, we will meticulously review the guide to confirm its accuracy and effectiveness, making sure all activities work as intended.

By clearly defining these roles, we aim to produce a comprehensive and user-friendly guide that enhances digital literacy and promotes online safety for everyone.


Integrated use of WordPress and Moodle to provide a holistic approach to content delivery and learning management. It makes using Instagram safe and effective. Each platform is chosen based on its unique strengths, ensuring learners enjoy a comprehensive, engaging and interactive learning experience.

WordPress works as a content management system. Delivery: WordPress will serve as the primary medium for disseminating educational content. The portal will include links to articles, video lessons and resources, ensuring learners have easy access to important information. options that enable clients to design visually appealing and well-organized course websites. This enhances the learning experience by presenting information in a concise and engaging way.

WordPress allows for the seamless integration of multiple media formats, including videos, images, and interactive content, to meet different learning preferences and maintain student engagement. and control of a range of course activities such as quizzes and assessments. It will improve information exchange among students and track and record student progress. Peer discussion and debate on best practices. This promotes a collaborative teaching environment. This ensures learners receive uninterrupted support throughout the course. Learning Management Integration By connecting WordPress with Moodle, we can take advantage of the respective strengths of each platform: WordPress will provide teaching materials in a comprehensive and user-friendly way, ensuring that they are attractive to users. Efficiency and Effectiveness: Provides tools for planning and monitoring interactive learning activities, assessments, and learner interactions.

WordPress: An Emerging Technology For Learning

This article explores eLearning on WordPress, and discusses the features that allow it to be used as a learning platform.

To ensure the success of our Instagram learning guide, we’ve outlined clear roles for our team. We will oversee the entire process, making sure everything stays on track and that communication remains effective. We will also craft engaging and informative lesson plans, incorporating essential research on privacy settings to emphasize their importance.

We will manage the technical side, setting up example accounts and creating detailed tutorials on Instagram’s features and privacy settings. In addition, we will design quizzes and other evaluations to measure learners’ understanding and engagement with the material.

We will focus on making the guide accessible and visually appealing, ensuring it’s easy for users of all ages to navigate. Finally, we will meticulously review the guide to confirm its accuracy and effectiveness, making sure all activities work as intended.

By clearly defining these roles, we aim to produce a comprehensive and user-friendly guide that enhances digital literacy and promotes online safety for everyone.

Exploration of Privacy Settings Guide: 

This guide will direct learners through the Instagram app’s privacy settings, teaching them on how to access and alter their privacy settings related to post visibility, story viewing, and commenting permissions. This guide will elaborate on how these privacy settings influence the type of interactions the user would encounter such as the type of content or the people they interact with. 

Potential Risks of Instagram Guide: 

This guide will emphasize some common risks that are affiliated with the use of Instagram, such as exposure to scams, oversharing of personal information, and other forms of data breaches. The guide will include a list of a couple more common risks that many Instagram users have faced over the period of them using the app. Some practical advice on how the user could mitigate or avoid being caught in these risks will  be included in this guide, along with information on how to manage their privacy settings to decrease the chance of the user getting into contact with such risks. 

UDL principles.

Seeing as how this guide is meant to be accessible to all young students, it’s important that we ensure our guide meets the needs of all learners. Our lessons adhere to the 3 main recommendations made in the Universal Design page, namely: 

a) Multiple means of representation. 

b) Multiple means of action or expression. 

c) Multiple means of engagement. 

a) The guide includes a multitude of different types of content. We offer videos, audio clips, and written versions of step by step instructions and explanations. Learners can digest the material in whatever mode is best suited to meet their needs. 

b) students have several choices regarding how they express themselves throughout the lesson. Journals, reflection assignments, one on one meetings and group discussions. This allows for everyone to be able to share their learning in the way that makes the most sense for them. 

c) A variety of assessment methods means that it is possible for everyone to engage with the material. Learners can opt to do a test, a paper, a presentation or even come up with their own unique option for how they want to be evaluated. This ensures that all students are able to engage at a level that is appropriate for them while still encouraging them to try new things. 

This is a link to the Universal Design for learning page where you may find more information! 

Course rational 

This course is for anyone who is looking to begin using, or broaden thirf understanding of how to use the social media platform instagram. This course is designed to teach you how to navigate, post and interact with others on the site. This course will also teach you about how to manage your page, access privacy settings and become informed about how and where information is stored once it is posted to instagram.