Learning Pod Self Reflection

What is your preferred mode of remote communication? 

My preferred mode of remote communication is on social media platform, such as Instagram and discord. 

What are your communication strengths? 

I am good at listening to people’s needs and providing suggestions accordingly. I respect different opinions and am willing to adapt my approach to ensure everyone’s perspectives are considered. Additionally, I am an active communicator and engage effectively in group discussions as needed. 

What are your communication weaknesses? Where would you like to grow? 

I am quite active in group discussions through text format, but I find it challenging to speak up during Zoom meetings. I would like to improve my public speaking skills. Additionally, while I am good at listening to and accepting others’ ideas, I sometimes find it difficult to present my own ideas, especially if they do not align with the majority. I aim to work on this as well. 

Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? 

I am an introvert. 

What time zone are you in? 

The time zone might change from Pacific Time to China Standard Time. I will inform my group members about the change. 

What time of day do you prefer doing academic work?

I prefer to do it in the morning. 

When you are upset do you tend to share this with others or keep it to yourself?

I tend to keep my difficulties to myself, as discussing them with others can sometimes worsen my feelings of depression. 

What do you like about group work?

I like to hear different opinions about the assignment and see how different approached can be made. 

What don’t you like about group work?

Since I am an introvert, I need to prepare thoroughly before meeting with my group members, which can be a bit energy-draining. Additionally, coordinating everyone to follow a single schedule can also be challenging. 

What else would you like your team to know? 

I will fully engage with the group discussion and follow any instructions that will benefit the group work. Also, I am passionate about cooking and video gaming. If you share the same interest, don’t be hesitant to reach out. I’d love to chat about recipes, game strategies, or even collaborate on a cooking project or gaming session.